Erik John

Born   In Northern California

Years behind the chair 12 years

Daily essentials Hot yoga, Milk by Reverie, Terre D'Hermes cologne, and Tim Ferriss on my daily commute 

Magazine crush Harper's Bazaar, Dwell and Darling Magazine

You have 20K plus follower on Instagram with an active community. Any advice? Be authentic, and consistent in your interaction with followers.  Don't just think about what it can do for you but make it an outlet to share your art/help others and THAT is what translates to the community.

What are your essential tools - what in your kit? Ibiza round brushes, Hikari shears, Denman paddle brush, Ghd tapered curling wand, small metal duck clips and also a Tangle Teaser.

How do you conduct a successful consultation Pictures(no more than two) of hair they are drawn to, over communicating, also creating a long term vision with them for their hair. I want people to feel a part of the process.

Do you say no to your clients? Yes, I do.

Do you have a signature approach with your technique? Yes.  Because of my training and education my earlier work was very structured. I feel I've now had a Genesis into a far more organic approach, walking a line between my earlier structure and a more free flowing, visual approach. Every client has a different canvas and I want to customize my approach based off their hair and desired end result.

What are you thinking about when your tinting? Blend, blend, blend! What is the most natural hair tone I can give this client to make it look like her hair isn't colored. Youthful hair is always the goal!

Do you enjoy the work or the end product? I enjoy both a lot. With cutting I enjoy the end product, with color I enjoy the process and the formulation/problem solving.

I was talking with the owner of your salon ( Taboo Hair Care in West Hollywood ) Gill and she was telling me about how she and her husband are close friends with the designer Paul Smith. She must be rad to work with. Gill is totally Rad! She has owned a successful salon for 32 years in one of the most competitive hair cities in the world. I am so happy to call her a mentor and friend. 

What do you enjoy about where you work? It's great to work with creative people that inspire me. Everyone is so talented in their own rite and humble and supportive of each other. Who could ask for more?

How did you get into hair? I am dyslexic, so growing up I really struggled with traditional schooling. When I discovered hair school it completely clicked for me with the hands on, visual learning style. I felt I was able to absorb the knowledge and be creative, which really inspired me to fully embrace it as a career. I love what I do! 

What are your thoughts on our industry? Where would you like to see it go? Technology has enabled artists to work independently from the classic salon structure. It frees up more finances, allowing for more creative expression.  The industry has completely changed and I'm really excited about the future.

Contact Erik John 8446 West Third Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-3770